Thursday 28 July 2016

  Home Remedies For Glowing Skin With Mango

It is a magnificent time of the year with lots of sun and seasonal fruits. Not only consuming these fruits is a blessed thing but to make the best use of these fruits is a must. Summer takes a fee on the skin but the nature has its method of giving back with lots of seasonal fruits to dent and paint it on the skin for the healthy glow.

Here we give you five of the best home remedies for glowing skin with mango back to the glowing and smoother self in no time. Take the full advantage of this season as mangoes can be the fairy godmother for skin. Just follow these simple yet efficient home regime.

Top 5 Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Hives Fast

If you have hives or scientifically called urticaria, it is possible that you cannot ease but try to scratch yourself from time to time although you know that yourself should not as scratching can be dangerous for the skin. For those who are not too familiar with hives, these are normal bumps that are colored red that resemble on the skin. The bumps are usually raised & are very light on the skin.

There are several natural home remedies those people. Read more: Hives homeremedies

Amazing Rose Petal Face Pack For Glowing Skin

Is it true that we get glowing, radiant and smooth skin from the Rose petal face pack? For ages, the rose is best known for the symbol of beauty and love. It is proven that Egyptian queen Cleopatra was applying rose petal face pack on her face to enhance her beauty. Even today, rose petals are used in the preparation of face masks, perfumes and cosmetics. Rose contains enormous skin care and health benefits like treating skin ageing, dark spots, pimples, scars and also maintaining skin firmness and skin glow. The oil extracted from the petals of a rose is efficient in treating skin problems.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Health Benefits Of Sunlight

You may yourself have experienced how lively your mind and soul feels when you get out in a sunny day. There are listed a few benefits of moderate sun exposure that you might not aware of till now.

Fights Back Stress

Sunlight is known to help relieve stress. It triggers enhanced production of serotonin in the brain, helping in boosting mood and induces a feel of calmness. Without sunlight exposure, the normal level of serotonin tends to decline, putting the individual at a great risk of seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Benefits of Guava for skin, hair and health

Guava is a seasonal fruit, though it is available all time at some places. It can be eaten directly or can be drunk as juice. Now we also have guava chocolates, jams and jellies. The green colored fruit with pink or white flesh is believed to be house of nutrients beneficial for whole body.
Below are some healthy benefits or Benefits of guava for skin, hair and health:
Guava is rich in the fibers which is very important for lowering the blood sugar levels. At the same time it cleanses the digestive system.
 Read more  Benefits of Guava

Different types of skin diseases

Eczema is the group of irrelevant diseases that have the related appearance. When it is new eczema, the affected area of skin appears red & raised with small blisters or vesicles including the clear fluid. When the blisters break, the eczema affected area of skin will weep and flow. In older disease, chronic eczema, the blisters are less prominent, & the skin has elevated, thickened, & scaling. Eczema most always is very itchy.

There are at least eleven distinct kinds of skin conditions that allow eczema. To develop the rational treatment plan, it is critical to distinguish them. It is often not easy.

Read more: different kinds of skin diseases

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Top 10 effective Home Remedies for Sunburn

Sunburn has caused by the sun’s UV rays. Too much exposure to ultraviolet rays can harm your skin, giving it red also painful. In this post,  explained regarding some of the effective Home Remedies for Sunburn.

The external layer of skin on the human body is called the epidermis. The peripheral cells of the skin, the cells you view plus feel on your arm, for ex: are dead. But only below the dead cells is the layer of living cells. These living cells continuously generate new dead cells to renew your skin.

Home Remedies for Sunburn

The symptoms can not occur quickly; it can take up to 5 hours for sunburn to look. If not treated appropriate, the trauma can lead to the blistering or peel skin. Sunburn also increases the risk of evolving melanoma, the deadly form of the skin cancer. So follow some sunburn remedies to treat which work great.

Nutritional facts and medicinal values of Tender coconut water

The Tender coconut water has recognized as the purest liquid after water & had packed with electrolytes, potassium, calcium, sodium & magnesium. Many doctors are now prescribing Tender coconut water to their patients. It has considered by specialists as the ‘natural isotonic beverage with the equivalent level of electrolytic balance as we have in the blood.’ It has also stated to be more beneficial than the milk or orange juice, as it does not hold the fat present in milk or calories in the orange juice. Being the natural drink, it has no chemicals and hence excellent for babies too. Below explained regarding medicinal values of Tender coconut water.

Medicinal values of Tender coconut water
  1. Clinical proof recommends that high intake of the potassium lowers the blood pressure which is the major risk factor for coronary heart disease.
  2. Tender coconut water has a high content of potassium, & there is some proof to show that Tender coconut water can reduce hypertension.

Best 8 Health benefits of Licorice root

Licorice root has remarkable many uses, & may be used in all most all the maximum natural treatments. Also used for centenaries to sweeten drinks, licorice extract is still extensively used today in gum, candies, soft drinks & herbal teas. In this post wee shared some licorice root benefits.

Benefits of licorice root

Not only this Licorice root used in eating products but also useful for various conditions incorporating asthma, baldness, athlete’s foot, body odor, canker sores, bursitis, chronic exhaustion, influenza, coughs, dandruff, gout, heartburn, HIV, viral infections, ulcers, fungal infections, liver troubles, Lyme disease, menopause, psoriasis, sore throat, arthritis, tuberculosis, and yeast infections. In this exclusive article, we will recognize nine of the more used licorice root benefits.

Saturday 23 July 2016

Wheatgrass Health Benefits

Wheatgrass is a variety of grass. The above ground part of this grass, be it the roots or rhizomes are used to make medicine. Wheatgrass is also a rich source of Vitamin A, C, E, Calcium, Magnesium and Amino Acids. Below explained regarding benefits of wheatgrass.

Wheatgrass can be defined as a food which is prepared from cotyledons of wheat plant. This is commonly sold as a juice or powder concentrate. Though it can be grown commonly in homes, it is also available in tablet and frozen benefits wheatgrass juice form.

Yoga poses for flat tummy you must try

Yoga is an old way of feeling and looking healthy. Among the numerous asanas which are prescribed in yoga for having a flatter tummy, the below listed are recommended the most useful yoga poses for stomach or yoga for flat tummy. Yoga is an ancient science that helps you become better and vibrant with passing years. Through a range of yoga asana can be tried to remain healthy, some of these are specially designed for helping you attain a flat tummy.

Yoga asanas like some of the flat belly yoga poses plans that you can try for attaining a flatter tummy. Continue to know more about Yoga poses for flat tummy.

Great Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is made from the plant Camellia sinensis and is considered the healthiest beverage due to its countless health benefits. As Green tea is the least processed tea and made from un-oxidized leaves, it has high amounts of antioxidants and polyphenols when compared to other teas.
Read more:  Benefits of Green Tea

Thursday 21 July 2016

10 Best Uses of Vaseline for Men and Women

Vaseline has been found around for decades, but what purpose it has used? 10 Best Uses of Vaseline for Men and Women.

Beyond moisturizing your lips, this glossy salve is one of the traditional formulas that is apparently there in your medicine cupboard. Vaseline is a multitasking cream, which is not only known for to be used only as the lip balm, for burns, or to heal a diaper rash. From fixing high-pitched doors to a shoe shiner, the petroleum jelly can be a go-to source for almost everything.

How to Get Rid of Fordyce Spots on Lips

People are usually very conscious about skin texture and health nowadays. One small lesion on a face and you try to figure out if it is acne or other types of rash! So, when some spots appear on your lips, you may feel quite worried. Little white spots are appearing on the lips without causing pain are what a lot of people have to cope with. Fordyce Spots can also appear on a male sexual organ. Also called Fordyce’s lesion or disease, it has been named after John Addison Fordyce-a noted dermatologist who spotted it first. Thankfully, these spots are neither contagious nor painful.

Treatment options for Fordyce Spots

There are no fixed treatments and in most cases Fordyce Spots on Lips fade away with time. While some doctors may suggest using methods like Trichloroacetic Acid Chemical Peel, Pulsed dye lasers or Cryosurgery- these may have subtle to moderate side effects. It is prudent that you resort to natural and home based remedies to get rid of these spots.

What are the Natural Lip Hair Removal Methods?

Are you surfing a lot to know the natural lip hair removal methods? Most of you might rush to the beauty parlor to remove the tufts of hair grown on the upper lips. But, think of the situation when you don’t have ample amount of time to go to the parlor, then an ideal solution is preparing home remedies for lip hair removal. Facial hair in women is undesirable abnormal which is caused due to hereditary factors or hormonal imbalance. By reading this article, you will come up with a solution for natural lip hair removal at home. Learn below explained are how to get rid of upper lip hair

Lemon and White sugar

The kitchen ingredients which are having bleaching properties are helpful in removing the lip hair. Lemon is known for its bleaching property, whereas sugar is known to act as a mild scrub. Take a bowl containing one teaspoon of sugar and squeeze half lemon juice into the sugar bowl.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Eight Amazing Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt

Himalayan salt or pink salt is the purest salts available on earth because it is free from unwanted substances or toxins & pollutants. This salt has mainly obtained and extracted from the Himalayan belt, where it is too commonly known as “white gold.” Below clearly explained regarding benefits of Himalayan salt.

A Himalayan salt appears in a pink color, which is mainly because of the presence of an iron oxide. As of this, it is also frequently called as the pink salt.

Himalayan salt Benefits

It predominantly contains sodium chloride, but it also includes about 80 naturally happening trace elements comprising sulfate, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, copper, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, & fluoride.

Goat milk soap Recipe for Sensitive Skin

Commercial soaps have tied with chemical compounds & synthetic derivatives like dioxane, triclosan, parabens, formaldehyde, and artificial fragrance. Not only these chemicals elements are harsh on your skin but also raise the risk of developing cancer as they act as carcinogens. So, the better idea to treat the rough and dry skin would be to apply the homemade soap. Below explained regarding  benefits of goat milk soap.

One can try making the natural goat milk soap as it offers cleansing and moisturizing benefits.

Goat milk:

Goat milk is the powerhouse of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties and includes the plethora of nutrients. High levels of the alpha-hydroxy acids & fat molecules in the goat milk make it exceptionally useful for preventing signs of skin aging, reducing skin inflammation, treating acne, & calming dry and damaged skin.

And also, it is the storehouse of necessary nutrients & vitamins like vitamins A, D, & E that nourish or refresh the skin.

To make the preparation of goat milk soap method easier, you can use the goat milk soap base alternately of fresh goat milk. You can simply find the goat-milk base in the online stores. It just needs melting & pouring. Additionally, add coffee, honey, & some essential oil in the recipe to get it more beneficial for the skin.

10 Foods to boost Immune System on Winter Season

Hey folks!! Winter season is coming it’s important to know what we can do to keep a strong immune system to stay healthy and avoid infections. In this article we described regarding on how to boost your immune system.
1. Eat a balanced diet

To Boost your immune system you need many nutrients, like vitamins A, D and E, as well as minerals such as zinc to support your immune system. Focus on eating whole foods, such as quality whole grains, nuts and seeds, as well as plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Super foods such as bee pollen, mushroom, and micro algae can give you an extra boost to your immune system.

Try to avoid fried foods and soft drinks that will affect our immune system. Eating too much of them suppresses the immune system. By including balanced diet to your everyday diet regime foods that Boost Your Immune System in Winter Season.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Homemade Vitamin C Serum For Face And Skin

Vitamin C is a powerful natural skin care tool that you can frequently find in high-end beauty products such as the vitamin C serums, creams, & lotions. Most of these products are incredibly priced. Thankfully, I have found the natural, homemade option that you can do practically at no cost. On the cover of that good news is that it acts equally well. Below explained regarding Homemade Vitamin C Serum For Face And Skin.

Benefits of Vitamin C Serum

Do you recognize this simple vitamin C that we need for our internal health & promoting immunity can do miracles for our outward well-being also? Vitamin C is highly efficient as an anti-aging & anti-wrinkle natural ingredient.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Benefits of blackstrap molasses hair

Hair woes, Goodbye!

Blackstrap Molasses hasn’t been given the attention it deserves, but in recent times, it has found it’s way to being effective for hair growth. Blackstrap Molasses is basically the dark viscous liquid that has been extracted once sugarcane has been boiled for the third time. Regular cane sugar doesn’t have the minerals and vitamins as does blackstrap molasses. These include copper, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium all required for healthy hair growth. Below described regarding Benefits of blackstrap molasses hair.

Say Goodbye to Gray?

The underlying question has always been, Can blackstrap molasses reverse gray hair? If success stories are to believed, then the answer would be yes, however there is no scientific evidence to back this up. The high levels of copper help in re-pigmentation and darkening of hair caused by the stimulation of melanin production.

Read more : blackstrap molasses hair

How to make Homemade Natural Toothpaste

Most of the people start & end our day by brushing our teeth. But have you ever questioned whether the toothpaste you apply every day is good for your health or not? Below explained regarding Homemade Natural Toothpaste to Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy.

Commercial toothpaste contains many harmful toxins or toxic substances. The most common ones are triclosan, fluoride which can affect bones and pineal gland, even the brain function & sodium lauryl sulfate which irritates your gums & contribute to gum inflammation.

Homemade Natural Toothpaste to Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy

After knowing about the harmful components used in commercial toothpaste, it is further convincing to make your natural toothpaste at home. It is very simple to make. Additionally, the ingredients utilized in this recipe are readily available & hugely beneficial for oral health. Plus, it will cost very less than the used commercial products.

Read more: Homemade Natural Toothpaste