Wednesday 3 August 2016

How To Prevent Pimples On Head

Pimples on the scalp can cause lots of trouble; even combing hair & washing it may get difficult when pimples on scalp cause pain. Also, when there is an outbreak, rinsing the hair can also be the painful experience.

So, how to prevent pimples on the head? Well, one important feature is cleanliness of the scalp. Sometimes, head acne can cause extreme itchiness, irritation, swelling & even pain.

What causes pimples on the head? Well, the skin contains pores. The oil glands release sebum to protect skin. Without the natural oils, the skin may turn extremely dry. When the pores are blocked due to dirt or dead cells, bacteria starts infecting the skin. This might cause inflammation too.

Read more: pimples on head

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